Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Sat: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Established in 2004
Landscaping Contactor, Munster

Core Aeration

Core Aeration, Munster, IN

If you see signs of bare or thin patches, excess thatch, or water puddles after rain, you should call us for an assessment. Aeration is an excellent way to have a lush and thick lawn. We at Proscapes Landscape provide complete landscape, installation, care, and maintenance services in Munster, IN and the surrounding areas. Whatever your landscaping needs, we have the experience, expertise, equipment, and resources required to address them with unmatched quality.

Benefits of Aeration

The process involves the removal of small plugs of turf to break up the thatch. Thatch is a layer of dead grass, stems, roots, and other organic material that forms on the soil surface. Once it is broken down, more water, nutrients, and oxygen can reach the roots. Thus, your lawn will get everything required to grow healthier, stronger, and more resilient to disease.

Most clients find it difficult to understand the importance of aeration until significant damage has been done to their lawn. Some thatch, less than 1/2 inch, is desirable, but anything more than that can create various issues. Our core aeration service will help reduce it and break soil compaction so that you can have a healthier and greener lawn. Thus, the key benefits of our service include:

  • Enhanced lawn growth
  • Natural soil breakdown
  • Enhanced root access to nutrients, water, and air
  • Reduction in soil compaction
  • Improved turf resistance to disease and pests
  • More efficient use of water
  • Helps with pH modification
  • Benefits overseeding process

Lawn aeration also introduces thatch-decomposing microbes from the soil into the thatch, thus speeding up its breakdown.

What Should You Expect During the Service?

Before we begin the aeration process, we will be required to take a few preparatory steps. This include:

  • Locating and marking any underground fencing with stakes or flags or sprinkler heads
  • Removing any debris from the lawn
  • Mowing and lightly watering the lawn 24 hours before the process

Aeration is performed using the equipment known as a lawn aerator. It will pull up tiny plugs of soil, leaving them on top of the lawn. It will take a couple of weeks for these plugs to break down and get back into the ground.

When to Seek Lawn Aeration Services

Lawn aeration is one of the most important steps in maintaining a lush and green lawn. Fall is the ideal time of the year for scheduling lawn aeration. Typically, the process will have the optimal effect when the grass is in the best growth phase of the year. Most grasses experience growth spurts during the fall. It is recommended to aerate in early fall to get the most out of the process. However, there are exceptions for the following types of lawns, as they are best aerated after spring or in early summer:

  • Zoysia
  • Centipede
  • Bermuda

As a full-service landscaping company, we bring advanced insights and skills to the process. If you need more information about our services, feel free to contact Proscapes Landscape at 219-836-1186. You can also contact us via this Online Form. Once we receive your message, one of our experts will call you back.

We Provide Services to the Following Cities, Towns and Surrounding Regions of IN:
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